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8th grade Matter & Energy Vocabulary Posters product thumbnail

Matter and Energy Vocabulary Posters consists of 42 page-size posters, each with a science term, definition, and illustration. Spanish terms on each poster support English-language learners and dual language classrooms.


Fully aligned to 8th grade Texas standards (TEKS), this resource was created to support Texas teachers as you implement the new science TEKS in the 2024-2025 school year. While created with Texas classroom teachers in mind, it is an excellent addition to any 8th grade matter and energy unit.


Suggested uses to promote vocabulary awareness & reinforcement include:

  • using posters as content-focused classroom decor
  • adding posters to your word wall display as vocabulary is introduced throughout your Matter & Energy unit
  • grouping and organizing posters in a way that helps students see connections among terms and concepts
  • encouraging students to refer to the word wall during class discussions, activities and assignments

8th Grade Matter Energy Vocabulary Posters (Chemistry)

SKU: 0012
  • TEKS Sci.8.6 (new)

    Matter and energy. The student understands that matter can be classified according to its properties and matter is conserved in chemical changes that occur within closed systems.


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